Marina - Massage Therapist
Corrective Posture & Injury Rehab Specialist

Hello and Welcome

   My name is Marina and I am a Medical and Rehabilitational Massage Therapist and Movement Specialist, as well as a Personal Trainer.  I specialize in injury rehab, muscle and tissue health, and functional joint mobility.  I am also a Posture and Movement Specialist and can determine and correct areas of weakness and dysfunction. My objective is to provide healing and meta-physical awareness in a positive, energizing atmosphere, while encouraging functional goal-setting and personal growth.  I also empower my clients by educating them on the long-term benefits of massage, encouraging them to use what is available, and demonstrate self-care techniques so that they remain energized, motivated and committed to the healing process & witnessing positive results.

    I am certified in over 30 massage modalities. Including massage for animals! For a complete list, please click on the drop down menu and select "Services & Rates".  If you'd like more info about my education, training, and experience, select "About Me" from the drop down menu. To set up an appointment with me, or get more information, click on "Contact Me" in the menu.

Thank you for visiting.

Respectfully, Marina